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Get Caught Blue-Handed Day” – an important part of Michigan Retailers Association’s statewide “Buy Nearby” campaign – is fast approaching. On Saturday, October 3, Michigan shoppers can get special deals, explore wonderful stores and win prizes by buying nearby and “getting caught” helping their communities and the state’s economy.

The resources below will provide you with everything you need to know about Buy Nearby and Get Caught Blue-Handed Day. We encourage you to help spread the word to your constituents through your newsletters, social media, public appearances and comments.

Simply put, Buy Nearby is a type of “shop local” program for our entire state. Now in its third year, it’s designed to encourage Michiganders to buy from retail businesses in Michigan so more of those dollars stay in our local communities and state economy to benefit everyone. It’s a nonpartisan, feel-good campaign that touches the life of every one of your constituents. There’s even a giant mascot, “Buy Nearby Guy,” who visits communities across the state throughout the year to thank and remind shoppers that it matters a great deal where they spend their hard-earned money.

Buy Nearby Resources

Buy Nearby Fact Sheet

Did you know: more than 866,000 Michigan jobs are directly dependent on retail sales?

Buy Nearby Infographic

See the numbers in action, showcasing the impact of buying nearby in Michigan.

Spreading the Word

Ideas for how to help spread the word about the Buy Nearby campaign.

What is Get Caught Blue-Handed Day?

Learn more about how you can participate.

Media News Clips

See some of the coverage the Buy Nearby campaign has received.

Invite Buy Nearby Guy to your next event

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