2024 marked the 11th consecutive year Michigan Retailers Association has celebrated Buy Nearby Weekend. This…

Buy Nearby Weekend FAQs
What is Buy Nearby Weekend?
Buy Nearby Weekend is the annual celebration, hosted by Michigan Retailers Association, to promote shopping at local, Michigan-based stores. If Michigan residents redirected 10% of their estimated $32.4 billion in out-of-state e-commerce and remote sales, Michigan would see:
- An increase in employment by 17,279
- A boost in labor income (salary and benefits) by about $700 million
- A contribution of $1.3 billion in value-added to the state’s economy
- A contribution of $2.4 billion in gross economic output
The Buy Nearby campaign launched in 2013 by the Michigan Retailers Association, as an added benefit to members.
When is it?
Buy Nearby Weekend will be held on Oct. 6-8 in 2023. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the campaign.
Who participates?
Everyone is allowed to participate! Businesses promote the weekend and hold in-store promotions and encourage shoppers to spend time in their local downtowns and support the businesses.
What should I do as a business owner to promote the celebration?
Spread the word! We encourage you to request a free packet of materials to use in-store and to promote the campaign digitally on your website and social pages. To request a free packet, visit: bit.ly/2023BNBpacket
You can also create and administer your own in-store promotions. We’d love to hear what you do. Notify us at news@retailers.com!
What’s included in the packet of materials?
Each packet includes a Buy Nearby Infographic, window decal, table-tents to place near your POS systems, copies of coloring pages, and a Buy Nearby magnet.
When will my packet arrive?
The deadline to order a free packet is Sept. 24. Requested packets to businesses will mail out later that week.
What are the rules to enter the coloring contest?
Anyone is allowed to submit a finished coloring page. Email the colored photo of Buy Nearby Guy and his cake to buynearbymi@retailers.com, and include the following information:
- Name
- Age
- Contact information: Email or Phone Number
Following Buy Nearby Weekend, on Oct. 9, public voting on the images will take place on social media and by MRA member eNews. The contest will be broken down by age-range:
- Ages 0-3
- Ages 4-6
- Ages 7-9
- Ages 10-12
- Ages 13 and up
The image with the most votes in each category will win a spot in the December 2023/January 2024 issue of the Michigan Retailer magazine.
How do I join Michigan Retailers Association?
You can join MRA online at Retailers.com/product/membership. For more information on the services the association offers, including governmental advocacy, credit card processing, with competitive rates, group and health insurance, and workers’ compensation, visit Retailers.com/member-benefits.
I’m an MRA member, How do I get a place on your MRA Members Participating in Buy Nearby map?
If you’re a member and order a free packet of materials, you’ll automatically be added to our map. We use this map as a starting point for shoppers to find local stores to visit during Buy Nearby Weekend.